When Should Your Child Have a Developmental Screening?

A developmental screening at Southwest Children's Clinic is vital to assess your child's growth and milestones. Our experienced team evaluates your child's physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development during this process. We can detect potential developmental delays immediately by observing their interactions, motor skills, language abilities, and overall behavior.

We recommend visiting Southwest Children's Clinic for developmental screening in West Jordan, UT, when your child reaches important milestones or if you notice any delays in their development. Our compassionate experts are here to support your child's optimal growth and provide tailored guidance for their unique needs.

When Should We Have A Developmental Screening

Developmental screenings are essential to monitor a child's growth and identify potential developmental delays or concerns early. Pediatricians recommend regular screenings at developmental milestones, typically conducted by pediatricians or specialists.

Examples of crucial time points include the nine-month checkup to assess motor skills like sitting and crawling, the eighteen-month evaluation to gauge language and social development, and the four-year assessment to evaluate speech, cognitive abilities, and physical coordination.

If you notice significant delays in speech, motor skills, and social interaction, or have concerns about hearing or vision, seek a developmental screening promptly. These screenings serve as proactive measures to detect and address any developmental challenges, ensuring children receive the support they need for healthy growth and optimal development.

Your Child's Visit: What to Expect

During your child's initial visit for developmental screening in West Jordan, UT, you can expect a warm and welcoming environment. A trained healthcare professional will engage with you and your child, gathering important information about their growth and development.

They'll conduct various assessments, including observing your child's motor skills, communication abilities, and social interactions. These assessments identify potential developmental delays or concerns early. Remember, this visit is a proactive step towards ensuring your child's healthy development, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

Please explore our website to learn more about the conditions we treat and the services provided. If you have questions about developmental screening in West Jordan, UT, or want to schedule an appointment with Southwest Children's Clinic, call (801) 563-1975.

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