When Is a Fever in a Child Concerning?

Fever isn't usually harmful – it helps the body fight infections. However, the doctors at Southwest Children's Clinic in West Jordan, UT, know that fever in children can signify something more serious.

Fevers in Infants Under Three Months

A fever is a common and natural part of the first year of life, but it can be worrisome when it lasts longer than expected. Several things, including viral or bacterial infections, may cause fever.

Unfortunately, most bacterial infections in this age group require immediate evaluation and treatment. If your child is under three months old and has a temperature of over 100.4 Fahrenheit (38C), please call us immediately.

High Fevers in Children Over Three Months

A fever is a high temperature that occurs when your body's defenses are trying to fight an infection. In healthy children, a fever usually resolves on its own when the underlying illness passes. Nevertheless, a fever may signify something more serious, especially in infants.

Specifically, high temperatures can signal meningitis or other infections that need immediate treatment. The team of pediatricians at Southwest Children's Clinic in West Jordan, UT, understands that fever in children differs from adult fevers. Thus, if your child's temperature climbs above 103 degrees Fahrenheit (39.4 C), please call our office immediately.

Fever Lasts More Than Five Days

Usually, the fever goes away within a couple of days. But sometimes, it lasts long, especially if it's a sign of an underlying illness or chronic disease. If your child has a fever that lasts for five days or more, you should call your doctor.

This is especially true if the fever is accompanied by a bad sore throat, worsening coughing, or pain with urination.

Fever Doesn’t Come Down With a Fever Reducer

Children's acetaminophen and ibuprofen work as antipyretics, which help to lower the body temperature. This can be a concern if your child's fever doesn't come down with a fever reducer. Please call your doctor if the fever doesn't go away, lasts longer than three days, or gets above 103 degrees Fahrenheit (39.4 C).

Your Child Isn’t Acting Like Themselves

A fever usually doesn't mean anything serious, but if your child isn't acting like themselves, it could be a sign that they need help. For instance, it may be time to talk with our doctors if your child is not eating, sleeping, or getting enough fluids.

Call Southwest Children's Clinic at (801) 563-1975 to get in touch with the experienced team of pediatricians in West Jordan, UT, to treat fever in children correctly.

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